
Showing posts from June, 2010

Nagar Daridra Parikrama : Ward-9 : DCC


UN-Habitat Executive Director Visits Korail, Dhaka

UN Under Secretary General Anna Tibaijuka, who is also the Executive Director of UN-Habitat visits Korail, the biggest low income settlement area in Dhaka on 21st June. She was welcomed by the NDBUS EC member Fatema Akhter alongwith others from the community. She visited the community and learnt from the CDC leaders on their experience with UPPRP towards reduction of urban poverty.

Ngar Daridra Parikrama : Ward-8 : DCC


Nagar Daridra Parikrama : Ward 7: DCC


NDBUS Formed 10 Zonal Committees in DCC

To mobilise the organisation and ensure representation of the urban poor in Dhaka, NDBUS has formed all 10 Zonal Committees in 10 Zones of DCC area. The formal introduction of the committee members will be done in the last week of June after a pre-welcome meeting with the designatories in the Zonal Committees. The meeting is scheduled to be held on 19th June.

MIS Software for NDBUS Savings Program

To maintain highest degree of professionalism and transparency in NDBUS Savings Program, NDBUS has acquired a MIS Software to take input of all the savers basic hh data and deposit. The program is being tested and likely to cover all the savings members of NDBUS. Till to date NDBUS has 115 Savings Group in Zone 8 of DCC.

Nagar Daridra Parikrama: Ward-6:DCC


Nagar Daridra Parikrama: Ward-5
