Advocacy and Networking Skill Training Week (3rd - 7th August, 2008) for NDBUS Members

CUS URBIS team organized 5 days training on "Advocacy and Networking Skills" for institutional strengthening and development for NDBUS members under URBIS program on 3rd - 7th August '2008. The first training week was designed with the participants from NDBUS Central Committee, 2 Ward Committees and 2 Primary Committees. Total 75 trainees were divided into 5 groups each consisting of 15 trainees. Content of this training are as follows:

  • What is Advocacy?
  • Advocacy as a tool for Citizen Participation
  • Advocacy as an Exercise of Power
  • Advocacy as a Cumulative Process
  • Why engage in Advocacy?
  • 8 steps of Advocacy

- Identify and Analyze the Problem, Prioritization of Causes, Analysis of Causes and Consequences- Formulate Advocacy Proposal, Criteria & Characteristics for a Proposal
- Analyze the Decision-Making Space -Analyze Channels of Influence, Identification of key Actors, Classification of Actors as Allies, Undecided Persons or Opponents, Analyzing the Interests of Decision-Mkers and Key Actors
- SWOT Analysis
- Designing Advocacy Strategies such as Lobbying, Organizing, Mobilizing, Education and Sensetive- Raising, Press Work - Develop an Active Plan -Carry out Continuous Evaluation

During the 1st half of the session trainees learned about these issues. In the 2nd half of the training session they were divided into 3 groups (each group had 5 members) named Padma, Meghna & Jamuna. In this session they were assigned to select individual topic by themselves regarding emerging issues such as Water and Sanitation Problem in Slum Areas, Educational basically Child Education Problem, Housing, Power Supply, etc. and they made Advocacy Proposal on the selected issues. Everyday the team leader presented their plan to the Project Adviser Salma A. Shafi (honorary treasurer, CUS), CUS honorary Chairperson Prof. Nazrul Islam, Honorary Secretary Prof. Nazem, Prof. A.Q.M Mahboob (Geography Dept.,DU), Prof. Dr. Farzana Islam (Anthropology Dept., JU) were also presented on some days.

Prallel to group presentation trainees were assigned to do a role play on how they will be able to place their demand to any politicians or high officials. In this drama 3 members performed as concerned minister, city mayor, govt. secretary; 4 were carried out the role of NDBUS chairman, general secretary, member and journalist, rest of the trainees (8 members) took the role of judges including the chief justice. At the end of the role play judges made their comments. Throughout the training the trainer involved ice breaking games and short entertainment involoving the trainees to make them alert or bring relief breaks.

At the end of the day trainees were provided an evaluationform where they put their comments regarding the trainer and the training.


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